Wednesday 25 January 2012

Pray and Let God Worry

My daily Bible reflection seemed to fit beautifully with my current state of mind.

My husband is away for a few nights, I am unsettled, my son is unsettled, my dogs are unsettled. Added to this temporary state, there are changes in the midst for my family in the coming months and years.

It's so easy to get caught up worrying about the future, and forget that each morning God gives us the grace to make it through that particular day in the best way we can, if we only accept it. We are in the here and now, and so is God.

So today, I said my morning office, and left my cares and concerns with God. Already this has blessed me, I have been able to allay some concerns I was having with a short simple chat, and I feel empowered.

My tendency to pessimism doesn't sit well with my trust in God, and true prayer shouldn't be a last minute emergency measure but a foundation of grace for the whole day.

I pray we all have a day in which we can sense God's presence and feel his guiding hand in our lives.

Saturday 7 January 2012

New Year New Blog

I have decided a change is as good as a rest this New Year. So I have changed my blog title and altered my profile to reflect this.

The previous title didn't reflect the blog content at all really. So a blog mainly about God, dogs and home life should be so titled.

So Happy New Year one and all, and a return to blogging for me.